Born in Amsterdam and raised between the Netherlands and Spain, Raquel Kurpershoek Jaldón’s journey embodies a fusion of music, cultural diversity, and a profound commitment to inclusivity. Raquel’s artistic journey took root in a family steeped in the arts. These influences shaped her debut EP “Mil Cosas” (2021). In 2022, Raquel released her debut album “NIZAMI”, a tribute infused with autobiographical symbolism inspired by the work The 7 Wise Princesses by Persian medieval author and philosopher Nizami Ganjavi. “NIZAMI” won three prestigious awards at the Andrea Parodi World Music Festival in Italy: Best Music Prize, International Jury Prize, and the Bianca D’Aponte Prize.\

About The Young Creators Program

Raquel Kurpershoek is one of the four talents participating in our Young Creators program in 2024. In this program, we collaborate with four emerging, talented musicians to provide them with a sustainable career boost. On the Roof also supports these artists by filming their concerts and producing short video portraits they can use as an introduction to the public and other promotional purposes. Additionally, they are featured as our guests at On the Roof, presenting their music to a new audience.

The young creator program is made possible by the Van Bijleveltstichting.