Young Creators Program

in collaboration with Van Bijleveltstichting

Supporting upcoming talent

Each year, there’s a tremendous amount of talent graduating from Dutch conservatories or coming to Amsterdam from abroad. On the Roof has always made room for upcoming artists in the programing of its concert series. In 2022, the organization took things a step further and started the On the Roof Young Creators Program, in collaboration with the Van Bijleveltstichting.

With the Young Creators’ Program, we offer each year a selection of chosen talents a sustainable boost for their career.  Not only by programming them during one of our musical evening, but also by offering them mentoring sessions or concert registration, live photography or video portraits, in other words the skills and visual assets they need to navigate the current musical sector and present themselves to other curators, agents, bookers, journalists, fans, etc.

Young creators 2024


Young Creators

21/06 | double-bill


Young Creators

05/07 | double-bill


Young Creators

19/07 | double-bill


Young Creators

16/08 | double-bill

Young creators 2022